Ground-borne vibration can be a significant by-product of construction activities such as demolition, compaction, excavation, pile driving, shoring and heavy equipment use on site. Vibration due to construction activities frequently cause complaints and can cause or exacerbate damage to adjacent structures. This is a particular concern for heritage structures and any vibration sensitive high-technology equipment nearby such as MRIs, laser eye technology, and electron microscopes. It can also create discomfort and annoyance for building occupants.
Toronto City By-Law
Toronto is one of the first cities in North America to have a City By-Law, 514-2008, that requires an Assessment of Construction Vibration be conducted in support of an application for a building or foundation permit. It mandates that a Professional Engineer assess the potential for vibration impact on off-site structures with a “zone of influence”, from the effects of shoring, excavation, demolition and other construction activities.
In-house know-how and technology
HGC Engineering is fully versed in all aspects of Construction Vibration Monitoring and Assessment. We offer the in-house know-how and monitoring solutions you require to efficiently and cost-effectively assess your circumstances, undertake the required engineering analysis and provide monitoring and data analysis within your timeline allowances.
We have performed vibration monitoring during commercial, residential and institutional construction, including monitoring during major building, rail tunnel, and bridge construction projects
Our Vibration Monitoring and Assessment Process:
A review of relevant available information is first undertaken, including the site plan and shoring plan, survey and foundation design drawings and the geotechnical report. We then meet with the project team and go over construction plans with regards to demolition, excavation, underpinning, shoring, compaction, construction of foundations, and other relevant activities, including proposed equipment and methods to the extent that they are known. We then conduct a site visit in order to view the area first-hand and perform background vibration measurements as required in the assessment process. Based on the collected information, we then prepare a study report which includes a list of potentially impacted buildings or structures, and the boundaries of the “Zone of Influence”. Relevant vibration criteria is provided in the report, as well as a figure illustrating the Zone of Influence. If the Zone of Influence extends beyond the legal boundaries of the site, the study will develop and describe an appropriate Vibration Monitoring Plan, as required in the By-Law. Upon completion of the study, a project manager will be required to submit the approved report to the City. Based on past experience with similar projects, we can offer some guidance in completing the required Vibration Control Form. Subsequent to the submission of the report, a General Review Commitment Certificate for vibration monitoring is typically needed, which calls for a Professional Engineer to oversee the vibration monitoring described in the plan, review ongoing vibration data and site activities as related to off-site vibration, and prepare reporting for the city, etc.
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