Both Consumers and Industry today demand low levels of noise and vibration from equipment, vehicles and appliances. With an extensive collection of analysis software, measurement equipment and experience, HGC can perform the testing, required to bring new products and systems to market or help you in designing and specifying your own acoustical research and test facility.
We also conduct site surveys and specify performance requirements so that clients can procure the most effective facilities at competitive prices.
We maintain a full complement of acoustical test equipment, conduct laboratory and field testing and advanced acoustical modeling.
We also assist building wall and floor component manufacturers in developing their products by testing their products actual field installations
Noise, Vibration and Acoustic Research Areas Include:
- Medical, teaching and research facilities
- Automotive
- Appliances
- Office systems
- HVAC systems
- Quiet road surfaces
- Gas turbine and reciprocating engine exhaust silencers
- Building Product Testing and Development
Department of Defence All-Terrain Vehicles
Altra-Air HVLS Big Ceiling Fans
Christie Digital Projectors
What is Sound Intensity Measurement and Analysis?
What is STC and IIC Testing?
What is Vibration Modal and Fatigue Analysis?
What is Floor and Building Vibration?
Need Answers?
Reach out to our acoustical consultants now.