Ear to the Ground

With the newer Building Code requirements to consider sound paths of "flanking transmission," this article on new measurement techniques that we have been developing is essential reading for anyone involved in specifying demising constructions in buildings

On January 1, 2020, amendments to the Ontario Building Code (OBC) pertaining to the required airborne sound insulation between residential dwelling units came into effect. The new version of the OBC considers both the Apparent Sound Transmission Class (ASTC) rating and STC rating, and in some cases, the applicable code requirement is now a minimum ASTC rating instead of a minimum STC rating.

Welcome to another edition of our new series on Frequently Asked Questions about Noise, Vibration and Acoustics. In this video series, we answer questions that we hear most often from clients or through inquiries at our website. And today's question is:  What do property managers need to know when addressing a noise complaint from  neighboring suites?

By involving an acoustical consultant early in the design progress, gym and fitness clubs can incorporate cost effective, best practices in noise and vibration mitigation which will allow these facilities to live and work in harmony and in close proximity to their residential and commercial neighbours