Vandermeer Greenhouses
Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Owner/Operator: Vandermeer Greenhouses
Biogas Solution Provider: PlanET
Vandermeer Greenhouses is the largest grower of cut mums in Ontario and one of the largest in Canada. It also grows chrysanthemums on 280,000 square feet under plastic in Niagara on the Lake. This family-run business is also an industry innovator and was looking to incorporate sustainable energy solutions to offset increasing heat and hydro costs.when it completed construction of a 335kW Biogas Generating Plant in 2009
The facility’s bio-digesters are fed grape pumice from local vintners, expired dog food from a dog food supplier in Guelph, Ontario, rotting or otherwise deficient produce from local farmers and coffee grind from a nearby Tim Hortons. This resulting biomass is converted into biogas that drives a power generator that produces electricity for use on the farm, with surpluses offered for sale into the provincial grid. 402 kW of thermal heat is also used in the greenhouse.
Biogas Generator Acoustic Audit
HGC Engineering was retained to undertake an Acoustic Audit of the biogas-fired generator unit following the implementation of noise abatement measures just after its commissioning. Attended sound level measurements were conducted by HGC Engineering personnel at three locations north of the facility representing the most potentially impacted points of reception. Observations indicated that the area surrounding the Generator was best categorized as a Class 3 (Rural) environment under Ministry of Environment MOE noise guidelines. MOE publication NPC-232, “Sound Level Limits For Stationary Sources In Class 3 Areas (Rural),” is the noise assessment guideline applicable to the subject generator.
The audit measurements indicated that the sound emissions of the generator were within the applicable sound level limits specified in MOE publication NPC-232.
Acoustical Engineering Services Included:
- Detailed acoustical noise reports and audits in accordance with Ontario Ministry of the Environment procedures
- Sound Level Measurements