Pathway Arbour Mill Expansion
Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Owner/Operator: Pathway Non-Profit Community Developments Inc. of Peel
Developer: Assembly
Architects: Tafler Rylett Architects
Construction: Scott Construction Group
Mass Timber Manufacturer Element5
The Pathway Arbour Mill Expansion project involves the construction of a new 2-storey, 2,153 sq. ft. mass timber addition to an existing building located at 3023 Parkerhill Road, Mississauga, ON. The new affordable housing addition will have six one-and-two bedrooms residential units on the fifth and sixth floors at the North end of the building which will be accessible and targeted for seniors. Additionally, the project scope includes the renovation of an existing senior care facility.
The Pathway Arbour Mill expansion features an encapsulated cross laminated timber (CLT) structure, interfaced with the existing poured concrete structure. It will also include provision for an energy efficient building envelope and all electric mechanical systems with energy recovery ventilators and heat pumps.
HGC was responsible for comprehensive design input to achieve sound transmission (ASTC) compliance of new suite-demising separations with respect to OBC requirements. Suite-demising assemblies and junction details were separately assessed and, where necessary, modelled to verify the theoretical acoustical performance of both the demising assembly and adjacent constructions.
Acoustical Consulting Services Include:
- Design Review of Structural cross-laminated timber (CLT) Junctions
- Design Review of Architectural Assemblies and Junctions