Case Studies

Irving Oil Refinery

Location: Saint John, New Brunswick
Owner/Operator: Irving Oil

The Irving Oil refinery in New Brunswick is the largest in Canada and one of the largest in North America. It produces more than 300,000 barrels (48,000 m3) of refined products per day. These refined products include gasoline, diesel, heating oil, jet fuel, propane and asphalt. Over half of which is exported to the US Northeast.

For more than a decade, HGC has been helping Irving Oil fulfill its environmental regulatory compliance mandates with regards to noise. In 2006 we undertook an Environmental Noise Study, as requested by the  Department of Environment, to investigate the cause(s) of intermittent periods of elevated sound levels. HGC measured on site sound levels in all production and processing units, and conducted long term continuous monitoring of offsite sound levels, to investigate the effects of weather on sound propagation to neighbouring communities.

In 2007 we completed a predictive acoustic assessment of a proposed new process unit within the refinery, in support of environmental approvals, including development of noise emission specifications for equipment procurement.

In 2015 we undertook a predictive acoustic assessment of a proposed vapor recovery unit (“VRU”), at the seaport terminal serving the refinery, including recommendations for noise control measures to be implemented in order to conform to Department of Environment limits.

Acoustical consulting services delivered:

  • Conducted detailed acoustical assessment reports and audits in accordance with New Brunswick Department of Environment procedures
  • Environmental Noise studies
  • Developed a noise abatement action plan
  • Comprehensive onsite and offsite acoustical measurements
  • Predictive acoustical modeling
  • Noise control recommendations
  • Post-abatement noise control acceptance testing & acoustic survey


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