High School Acoustical Consulting Alberta, Canada

Case Studies

École St. Anne Catholic School, Alberta

École St. Anne Catholic School, Acoustical Consulting Alberta

Location: Whitecourt, Alberta
Developer: Alberta Infrastructure
Architect: BR2 Architecture
Constructor: Marshall-Lee Construction

HGC Noise Vibration Acoustics provided an acoustical design review of this 3,622 m2 Catholic Elementary School located at 3804 47 Street in Whitecourt, Alberta. École St. Anne Catholic School, built at a cost of $15.8 M, is designed to accommodate 359 kindergarten through grade three students (with room for expansion to 539 students) and includes a large gymnasium, library, music classroom, sensory room and eight modular units.

HGC’s acoustical scope of work encompassed the base-building design and interior fit-out of the school. Specific acoustic criteria were provided by Alberta Infrastructure as part of the Design Build Services agreement, through Alberta Infrastructure’s Technical Design Requirements (TDR) for Provincial Infrastructure Facilities and through LEED BD+C v4.

Alberta Infrastructure’s TDR includes ASTC criteria. The sound separation of a demising wall is typically provided in the form of an STC rating and some degree of tolerance needed to be considered in order to achieve the required NIC and/or ASTC. Alberta Infrastructure recommends selecting demising walls with STC ratings 5 points higher than the ASTC criteria. HGC undertook a careful review of interface details and flanking paths which are particularly important for walls required to meet ASTC 55 or higher.

There are several sound sensitive properties immediately adjacent to the school site including residential homes to the east and to the south. HGC’s environmental acoustic analysis considered these points of reception to determine if the project met the requirements of Alberta Infrastructure’s Technical Design Requirements.


Acoustical Consulting Services Included:

  • HVAC sound assessment
  • Interior acoustic assessment (reverberation times) and product specification and placement.
  • Sound separation assessment (demising walls and floor/ceiling)
  • Environmental noise assessment (exterior noise impacting the school and equipment at the school impacting neighbors).
  • Achieving Alberta Infrastructure’s Technical Design sound criteria for the school

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