Case Studies

The Digby Neck Wind Farm, Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Canada Wind Turbine Farm - Acoustic Noise Monitoring

Location: Digby, Nova Scotia
Owner/Operator: Nova Scotia Power

The Digby Neck Wind Farm, located on the Bay of Fundy, includes 20 turbines with the capacity to generate 30 MW of renewable energy. HGC was retained by Nova Scotia Power to perform an Acoustic Assessment and an Acoustic Audit of the Digby Neck Wind Farm.  The Wind Farm consists of twenty, GE 1.5 sle, wind turbine generators in essentially three lines running from the southwest to the northeast.

An ambient sound level study was completed to determine the existing sound levels in the area from road traffic, other facilities, and from natural sources. The results of the ambient sound level study were utilized to establish the applicable sound level criteria for the Acoustic Assessment and as a baseline for future measurements once the facility was operational.

An Acoustic Assessment of the Digby Neck Wind Farm was undertaken to determine the predicted sound levels at the closest receptors based on the sound power level of the wind turbines, their locations, the local topography and wind patterns, etc. The acoustic assessment was utilized to support an Environmental Assessment for the site. The acoustic assessment utilized the sound level criteria recommended by Health Canada and procedures for assessment in Ontario Ministry of Environment Noise Guidelines for Wind Farms.

An Acoustical Audit of the sound emissions of the fully operating facility was conducted to fulfill a requirement of the environmental approvals and commitments made by the proponent during development of the project. The province of Nova Scotia does not have audit guidelines specific to wind plants.  Consequently, the audit was based on the general environmental noise guidelines of Health Canada, and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, and HGC’s experience auditing wind turbine noise and international guidelines and best practices.


Acoustical consulting services delivered:

  • Conducted an ambient baseline sound level study
  • Completed a detailed acoustic assessment of the proposed project in accordance with Health Canada Guidelines and the procedures of The Ontario Ministry of the Environment.
  • Completed a detailed audit of the sound emissions of the facility during full operation.  

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