Case Studies

1000 de la gauchetière, Montréal, Québec

Location: Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Developer: Brookfield Development Corporation
Architects: Lemay & Associates, Dimakopoulos & Associates

Consisting of an eight-story base topped by a 46-story office building, the 155,000 m² complex represents the tallest structure in Montréal. Aside from designing acoustical consulting solutions associated with the office tower, HGC was also tasked with addressing the unique noise and vibration control challenges brought on by special facilities on the building’s lower floors that included a skating rink, a bus terminal, a food court and a shopping mall. 


Acoustical Consulting Services Included:

  • Building Services Noise and Vibration control (HVAC Systems, Pumps,Compactors,Generators, etc)
  • Acoustical Privacy Between offices, meeting rooms
  • Noise and Vibration Control of Public Spaces (skating rink, food court, bus terminal)
  • Structural Vibration Assessment
  • Vibration Monitoring During Construction



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